【新唐人2013年10月01日讯】夏俊峰妻微博发讣告 遭删除
十一前夕 南方街头现民主横幅
Xia Junfeng's Funeral Notice Removed ByThe Regime
Shenyang street vendor Xia Junfeng has been executed,
it sparked increasing reactions in Chinese society.
Xia's wife posted a notice on Sina Weibo saying that Xia's
funeral will be held on October 1st.
However, the Chinese Communist Regime has deleted it.
However, before deletion, the notice was widely circulated.
Netizens expressed their sympathy to Xia and his family,
meanwhile showing their anger against the brutal regime.
Many netizens said they will commemorate Xia in different
ways on his funeral day.
Some netizens said they will go to Xia's home and graveyard.
Netizens also condemned the regime for removing
the funeral notice.
South China Sees Democracy Banner
Although the Chinese Communist Party severely suppressed
democracy movements, many activists still continue to protest.
On September 30, Guangdong democrats Chen Jianxiong,
and Xie Wenfei walked on the street holding banners.
They were requesting the removal of one-party autocracy,
setting up a democratic China.
Sina Weibo, a netizen "@Wenpi Tianli" said Chen Jianxiong
was arrested by Foshan police.
Xie Wenfei, who was holding a banner with Chen, went missing.
Petitioner Died By UN Development Program in China (UNDPC)
On Sept. 30, a petitioner was chased by police,
later he died after jumping into a river.
According to 64tianwang.com, on Sept. 30, at 10:40 pm,
a petitioner was chased by several police.
He jumped into a river from Liangma Bridge near UNDPC.
40 minutes passed, the rescue team still didn't arrive.
At 2:58 pm, the body was retrieved from the water.
Sources said the victim was a petitioner from Sichuan Province.
Police: Missing Activist Cao Shunli Arrested
On September 30, Beijing activist Wei Shuying protested
in front of the Foreign Office.
She was summoned by Beijing Xinqiao Police Station.
During questioning, police revealed that Beijing activist Cao
Shunli missing for two weeks, was under arrest.
Sources said that the Foreign Office gave the order to arrest
Cao, and the Ministry of State Security carried it out.
According to Chinese Human Rights Defenders, Cao's family
haven't received any legal documents yet regarding Cao's arrest.
Cao was the first person to request participants writing
China's Human Rights Report.
Cao was the first person to request participation in writing
China's Human Rights Report.
In June 2013, Cao and many other petitioners protested to
the Foreign Office.
On Sept. 14, Cao was going to attend a human rights training
class at the UN in Geneva.
However he was stopped from boarding the plane
in Beijing Airport. He has been missing ever since.
相关标签: 夏俊峰妻 微博 废除一党独裁 民主