大陆金融分析师任中道:〝 作为土地改革来说,如果征地制度不改变的话,一切都没有什么变化,虽然他用教育用地,公益用地去征地,但实质上,中共随时都可以更改,征下来之后,放一段时间去做房地产都可以的,因为本身制度是他自己定的。〞
采访编辑/刘惠 后制/萧宇
Third Plenary Session Sets Tone for 'Land Reforms'
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is conducting
the Third Plenary Session behind closed doors.
It is trying to create the illusion that the Party is changing,
but inside sources suggest land reforms remain unchanged.
Our experts believe the new leadership
is insistent on trying to save the CCP.
It is complicated with internal fighting,
and has made reforms impossible.
China Business Journal quoted a source
from the Ministry of Land and Resources.
A final tone for land reforms has been set.
'Urban development land' will include
development of public construction.
This means that the government will continue
land requisitions for market usage of rural land.
Constructions listed in development are education, energy,
infrastructure, defense installations, and government sites.
Ren Zhongdao, financial analyst: "Speaking
of land reform, if the land requisition system
does not change, then nothing will change.
In the name of education, or public construction, land can
be used for any project as long as the land is acquired.
It can be used for real estate
later, because they set this rule."
The source said that land reforms also introduce
a land transfer auction system, land transfer pilot
station, and residential land transfer pilot station.
Lin Zixu, commentator: "After the third plenary,
the CCP might engage in some pilot activities.
This is to create a false image, so
that the CCP will get some relief.
Land rights have allowed local governments to
collect great wealth, so is unlikely to be changed."
Financial analyst Ren Zhongdao analyses that the
CCP is politically and economically beleaguered.
The new leadership are meeting major resistance
from high-level vested interest groups,
which are rooted among local governments.
The CCP's fear of the collapse will
only strengthen its authoritarian stance.
On November 8, the CCP media
publicized Premier Li Keqiang's demands.
He said local government reform is a
self-revolution that can not be hesitated.
He also indicated that, in principle, local
governments will no longer invest in businesses.
Analysts indicate that the central regime has
blocked funding sources to local governments.
For instance, local governments cannot directly issue
bonds, which will be replaced by the Ministry of Finance.
A business tax reform will transfer the first major
local government takes to the central leadership.
City investment company, which often serves
as a local government financial platform will
no longer conduct financing or issuing bonds.
Most experts believe local governments will contend for
self-interest, and react passively to this central command.
Lin Zixu: "Xi and Li's current status is very clear.
They would not dare to touch the CCP system.
They are also pressured by the fierce
power struggle from Jiang Zemins faction.
If they try to touch the local governments, Jiang's
faction will get rid of Xi and Li with their local forces.
The CCP is likely to collapse from the
shock waves from redistribution of interests."
The CCP local governments have been selling land for
construction at double the value of what it pays to the
farmers, who receive a very low price or even none.
Economist Wu Jinglian gives a conservative estimate
of 30 trillion yuan net earning for local governments.
This was earned through land requisition and selling.
On the other hand, by end of 2013, a
total of 53% of the local debts unpaid.
To avoid bankruptcy due to high debts, the local
government is bound to fight to keep land rights.
The Chinese real estate industry indicates that rising
land prices will only lead to one win and two lose.
The winner is the local government, which
gets a high premium on land revenues.
Both developers and home buyers are the losers
for thinning profit margins and rising real estate.
Expensive land appears because
of the increasing land prices.
In September this year, areas near Chaoyang
Agricultural Exhibition Hall in Beijing, were
valued at 73,000 yuan per square meter.
This has become the new expensive land in Beijing.
Mao Shoulong is a researcher for
China Society of Economic Reform.
Mao told NTD that land reform includes a 'unified land
market for construction between urban and rural areas'.
However, outdated laws and policies
have become the biggest obstacles.
The opposition parties have also raised a lot of concerns.
For instance, will construction create
environmental pollution on rural land?
Will landless peasants become the country's burden?
What if the city buyers control lots of
land but are not developing the land?
Will it simply create new land owners?
Interview & Edit / Liu Hui Post-production
相关标签: 【禁闻】三中 土改